More SSD suggestions
Some more thoughts on SSDs you may wish to take on board. To maximise the life of your drive you need to minimise the amount of deletes that go on, try to set up your PC so that you don't have too much data changes going on. Easy targets are Hiberfil.sys and Pagefile.sys. Hiberfil.sys is basically a replica of what is in your RAM when you go in to hibernation mode. Now I’m not sure about you but I never use this. Under XP this was a simple turn of under Power Configuration in control panel. On Windows 7 you need to get a cmd box up with Admin rights (right click Command Prompt and select Run as Admin) and type powercfg -H OFF, hit enter and your Hiberfil.sys will disappear never to be seen again. Moving the Pagefile is little more involved. You can remove completely if you wish but don’t shout at me when Windows falls over or glitches. Not having a page file will cause problems and not having a page file of the right size in the right place can also cause problems. If you don’...