More Exchange 2010 Weirdness
Didn't think I would have to revisit this one so soon. Our Exchange servers were patched up to date with Windows patches and lo and behold all hell breaks loose. Nothing major just users can't connet to their mailboxes from Outlook, again. OWA is fine, it's just Outlook shows as off line, except for users in cached mode, or users that tried 20 times to connect... or that user sitting over there. Moved some affected users to cached mode and all was well again for them, not me though, tried cached and non cached and no joy, tried and new profile and got straight in, back to old profile and no joy, was it the PC updates that went out last night? Well affected users were on a different patching schedule to me so probably not. It must be the patches applied to the Exchange server, we had this last time they were patched with Roll-up 3. So we dropped the one of the CAS servers out of the (load balanced) cluster and rebooted it, dragged it back in and then did teh same w...