Installing VMware Virtual Centre 5.1 with that stupid SSO
VMware used to be very good at releasing stable mature and sensible upgrades, though of late that seems to have gone a bit wonky. The latest vSphere release 5/1 is a bit of a headache to install due to the inclusion of RSAs SSO module. RSA is another part of EMC, the ultimate owner of VMware. Now the cynical may see this as a way of getting RSA product in to companies. if it is the case then it will back fire spectacularly as RSA products have generally been a bit clunky, unintuitive to use and difficult/pernickety to install and configure. I remember needing to the time on our RSA server to not use Daylight Saving Time as the RSA product couldn't cope with it. Unfortunately the SSO module in the current 5.1 install of Virtual Centre seems to have its own problems. Despite its best efforts it fails miserably to find AD, it suggest that maybe AD is not installed, running or some other problem with the environment, clearly indicating the short fall in performance is nothing to do...