Windows 10 Fall Creators Edition Annoyance
What is annoying me right now is not an admin thing except in the loosest sense. I have been on the Windows 10 fast ring forever and have had a few issues but nothing major over the years, but as we rush headlong in to the Fall Creators update one aspect has really annoyed me. My PC is used by myself and my wife, her mostly in the mornings and daytime, me in the evening. After we have finished the PC gets shut down, yes, its weird behaviour in this modern always connected world but it’s what we do. Sometime before build 16273 a rather annoying configuration seems to have been imposed. When you boot a PC the last logged on user is signed in as a disconnected user. Why? It may make login (sorry sign in) quicker but in reality, if I have just started the PC I am waiting to log in and with SSDs it makes no difference at all. Why worry you may ask? For me it affects two things. First, and most visibly, when I shut down the computer an annoying message pops up and tells some...