What I hate about Computer Games (Developers)
There are a number of real annoyances about computer games for me. I am not a spotty teen cyber punk but more of an occasional middle aged gamer, what I want from my games is entrainment, a good story line, nothing too difficult or involving multiple key combinations or wave after wave of bad guys or a big baddie that requires 2 million hits to kill off at the end of each level. Boss fights are boring at best and mostly an irritating interruption to the narrative, if you must have them then offer an option to jump them or make them easy on the easy mode, preferable think of something different. If developers are going to offer an easy mode then make it easy, if you have some combat system make it simple and easy to use. If hand to hand combat is a minor part of the game don’t make a big thing of it or require huge combos to achieve a kill. I am a PC gamer not a console gamer and it still amazes me when a developer ports a game from a console to a PC and does stupid things like us...