What I hate about Computer Games (Developers)

There are a number of real annoyances about computer games for me.
I am not a spotty teen cyber punk but more of an occasional middle aged gamer, what I want from my games is entrainment, a good story line, nothing too difficult or involving multiple key combinations or wave after wave of bad guys or a big baddie that requires 2 million hits to kill off at the end of each level. Boss fights are boring at best and mostly an irritating interruption to the narrative, if you must have them then offer an option to jump them or make them easy on the easy mode, preferable think of something different.

If developers are going to offer an easy mode then make it easy, if you have some combat system make it simple and easy to use. If hand to hand combat is a minor part of the game don’t make a big thing of it or require huge combos to achieve a kill.
I am a PC gamer not a console gamer and it still amazes me when a developer ports a game from a console to a PC and does stupid things like using odd keys to do things like jump or crouch, surely by now these things should be set in stone, space bar to jump, C to crouch it's not rocket science.

Why are developers so lazy that when they port it over they don't beef up the save options?
I should be able to save when I like and the game should do autosaves as it goes along. Why are the autosaves always 20 steps before a tricky section rather than just before it?
One of the worst games I have tried to play is Dead Space. This had three major failings, first if you are going to do a game in the third person don't set it in a space station where the character blocks half the screen, then don't make it so you can only save by going up to a control panel on the wall and interacting with it, just make it autosave as you walk past, if you are going to get your characters to interact with an object make it fairly easy to do not some kind of precise threading a needle kind of thing.

Another game that is annoying me at the moment is Mirror's Edge. This is potentially a great game but is let down by a combat engine that is so dire and difficult to use it makes the whole game very frustrating especially when you have sequences where you need to fight an opponent to progress.
Developers need to use people who are not hard core gamers to test games, some of us just want a distraction form our mundane lives not a challenge to our ultimate gaming skill. We can always crank it on the second or third play through.

Games are supposed to be fun and mildly challenging not frustrating, annoying or beyond the limited capabilities of normal people, by al means turn up teh heat for those that like to shoot people 50 times to kill them but allow the plebs of this world the option to just shoot them once.

Multiplayer online games are pointless for those of us that are just occasional gamers, every time I see a studio bigging up the multiplayer version of a new game it just means that they are spending less time on the storyline of the single player version and it will be shortened and probably buggy and rubbish.
Why should I spend any time online playing a game where I die within 5 seconds of starting? I know I am inept and pathetic, but I play games to pretend I am hero not to be remind me that in reality I am just a poor imitation of plebeian canon fodder for the joy of others to humiliate.

Games I didn't finish
Dead Space (Everything)
The Witcher (Combat, save games)
LA Noir (Boredom, controls, endless driving)
Star Wars KOTOR (Combat)
Hydrophobia (Boss level was pointless, lost interest)
Far Cry 2 (Back and forth and back and forth, tedious)
Just Cause 2 (Just petered out in to same old, same old ...zzzzzz)
Stalker (too much walking, got bored)
Dragon Age 2 (Controls, how many menus do I have to go through to get you guys to follow me and  attack everything that moves?)
Prince Of Persia; Sands of time (Boss level too frustrating just got fed up and and played something else)

Games I finished but didn't enjoy as much as I could have
Mirrors Edge (Too pernickety, too much dexterity)
Tomb Raider AOD (Controls, Boss levels)

Games I have enjoyed
Fallout (all)
Halflife (1, 2 and episodes 1 & 2)
Far Cry
Deus Ex
Deus Ex: HR
Lego Starwars, Indy, Batman, LOTR
Borderlands 1 & 2
Metro 2033
Crysis 1 and Warhead
Portal 1 & 2 (never laughed so much as on CO OP on 2)
Mass Effect 1 & 2 (2 was seriously flawed and buggy, didn't bother with 3)
Fear 1
Bioshock 1 & 2
Tomb Raider (early ones only)
Star Wars: Jedi  Academy
Star Wars: Outcast


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