Windows Phone to iPhone - a painful transition

Windows Phone died a death due to a whole heap of incompetence from Microsoft. 

My phone was an old Nokia 925, about 4 1/2 years old and bought and paid by my company. There were always low requirements for company phones, if it rung and you answered it, all was good.
Then Hangouts reared its head (Google want to destroy MS, so WP support) but third-party support gave a stay of execution.
The final nail was a requirement for out of hours support software that had no app for Windows Phone. I had to be “downgraded” to an iPhone 6s (yes, it is a low spec 2 version old iPhone, better hardware than my 925 but not really up there as a current version, how my company loves their staff, buy expensive crap rather than cheap crap).

Stuff that just worked on my old phone, now needs 'me' to be re-engineered to work the Apple way. 

This is only slightly less bad than the Google eat all your life and sell it back to you way, but it is like stepping back in to the 1990s Microsoft way (we are Apple and nothing else exists so get with the program) rather than the battered Microsoft 2010, be friendly and slightly meek way, which is why they probably lost the mobile phone OS war.
So, what has been the difficulties?
Where's the back button?
I just want to copy music from my (many) PC to my phone. You'll need iTunes for that sir, sell your soul please.
I want a dark background and white text as I find it easier on the eye. We promised that in in iOS 9 but just go and buy some new eyeballs because black on white is all you’re going to get until iOS 23.
I just want an app that will play music and not try and sell me loads of other stuff and subscriptions, streaming stuff and......  You luddite get with the program, we own your wallet.
When I tick the box that says update all my apps automatically, can you update all my apps automatically without me going in to the App store and clicking on “update all my apps”?
Why does Safari have a back button at the bottom of screen (you have to scroll up to see it, just in case someone upstairs notices a minion has done something sensible) when every other app has to put it at the top of the screen out of reach of one's thumb? One only needs one button to do everything and when we find that person we will string them up on the battlements of our ivory tower that your soul paid for.
It has been a struggle this last six month.
IOS is not as friendly or slick as Windows Phone, but then Betamax was better than VHS and these things count for little when content is king.
Apple (and Google) executed well, MS failed miserably to get with the cadence of OS release and missed the boat and plunged in to the harbour like a love-sick teenager trying to stop his sweet heart leaving on the ferry two days previous.
It saddens me that tech companies never seem to learn from history. Grow big, fat and lax and before you know it, you will become that niche player who sold all his assets and have nothing to offer, like IBM and numerous other companies who failed to keep up and have only there IP to offer the world.
At every turn I find Apple getting in the way of me doing stuff, this is far from the Steve Jobs “it just works” mentality and more how can we get more money and data out of our customers by making sure options are just an illusion as Apple is the only true way.
Did I mention there is no back button?


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