More Weirdness - HP stuff this time

Another one of those weird things that happen to us admins.

This time it was our HP C7000 chassis. On and off we have been getting some errors where the Chassis reports some problem then 1 millisecond later all is well again, also we have had VMware reporting loss of redundancy on the iSCSI connections and packet floods logged on the chassis. Whilst I was off enjoy the sunshine this went completely ballistic to the extent I was getting emails at the rate of 1 every 1 to 10 minutes. I returned to work to find 4000+ emails, not a bad score for 4 days off.

A quick Google and the best advice I could find mentioned reboots can make it go away for month but best to do a firmware update, though these mentioned old versions we were on 3.11 and the latest was 3.30 so maybe worth a shot.

Given my experiences with EqualLogics (did I mention that another site upgraded their EQ to 5.0.4 and lost all their replication, barely managed to make it through the day with drive intact and had to update to 5.0.5 to fix everything?) this was not a thing to fill me with joy, but sometimes a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

So Onboard Administrator firmware upgrade it was then.

Lo and behold no more emails about dodgy connections or hardware. It will be interesting to see what happens in a month or so.

Now all I have to look forward to is a EqualLogic firmware update to our live storage, VMware update to 4.1 and updating our Enterprise Vault (did mention that it went horribly wrong just doing the Windows updates on the server and we had to do a system state restore to get a functioning vault at Easter?), Sophos version upgrade, then there is the whole upgrade to Exchange 2010, it is a never ending cycle, perhaps I'll just go and do that maintenance kit on that printer for a couple of hours.


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