Enterprise Vault upgrade irritation

As we rush headlong over to Exchange 2010 (don't get me started) one of the jobs I've had to do was upgrade our Enterprise Vault to version 9.0.2, this also brings with it support for Outlook 2010 at the client end allegedly, but for now we have a 2003 Exchange environment.

The first attempt at an upgrade only just managed to get out of the starting blocks before going pear shaped.
I patched the server installed SQL reporting and moved the Message Queue to a different location as recommended by the Vault Deployment Scanner and after reboot we had server that was crawling along a wouldn't start the vault services. Our support company were as much use a the snowball in the Sahara. We managed to recover by going back to the just finished backups of the systems drive and all was well again. I did a copy of the server and tested everything again and was unable to replicate the problem so tried again on the live server with out doing any patching or other stuff and all was well....almost.

Not surprisingly OWA integration didn't work properly, the buttons were all there there but you could open any shortcuts, but this falls over on a regular basis I tend to forget about it, more of a worry (for the users as I have no idea way they would want to do this) restoring item from the vault to the mail box did not work. The error related to the Shopping service not being able to restore the basket.

A bit if Googling and it would seem that the most likely cause is the much hated Message Queues, specifically a malformed one, I am not sure which is the culprit but the fix was a case of stopping the task for the Exchange server and deleting the queues for that server (make sure they are empty first though), they then get recreated when you start the service and all of a sudden restore works again. Oddly enough this also fixed the problem with OWA, I guess the moral of the story would be if it is mostly OK but some bit is not working delete the queues.

I am still struggling to get the Vault client working with my copy of Outlook 2010. there is a new HTTP client which has limited functionality at the moment but in my case it simply wont work at all, it is sitting in the Inactive add-ins list in Outlook and I can't get to activate.I have removed the Console and Exchange System manager which can cause problems but this has made no difference. It is very frustrating. I guess I will have to uninstall Office and put it back on to see if that fixes it. Something to fill my day with tomorrow.


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