Slow boot after rebuild of Windows 7

As my little foible, I decided to do a rebuild of my PC yesterday using media with SP integrated. Back in the old days you could use a tool like nLite to integrate SPs in XP media, but no more. You now have to download the media from Microsoft via Digital River here are the links
32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x86 SP1 (bootable)
64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 (bootable)
32-bit Windows 7 Professional x86 SP1 (bootable)
64-bit Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 (bootable)
32-bit Windows 7 Ultimate x86 SP1 (bootable)
64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1 (bootable)

Now I have normally well-oiled process as this is something I do 3 or 4 times a year and the wife gives me grief if things aren’t where they are supposed to be.

First off backup the users bits, I use Easy Transfer for this, I click through and remove some of the duplicated stuff like shared photos and music as these are stored on separate data drive, I then doe a backup of the C: drive, this is not huge as I have a small 64GB SSD and I only let it get a bout half full, whilst this is all going on a get all the drivers I will need from Realtek, Intel, AMD and Canon.
To speed up an already quick process I copied the ISO contents to a USB drive that has a partition that is active so you can boot from it (to do this take trip in to diskpart).

Boot from the drive and off you go. A cup of coffee later and you can start updating drivers and restoring user profiles, install AV and other programs than go through the whole windows update process as there will still be 50 or 60 updates to do.
All was well except it was taking an age to boot. Previously it was around 20 second. It was hanging on the Windows Starting screen for about a minute, this is where Windows is loading up all the drivers.

After much poking around and head scrating and Googling I traced it to a missing JMicron driver. This was showing under IDE ATA Atapi drivers as a Standard AHCI 1.0 Serial ATA Controller and Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller and was using Microsoft drivers. I Googled the PCI VEN number which is under Hardware IDs on the advanced tab on the device properties and it showed up as a JMicron item so a visit to their site and down load the latest SAT Controller driver from the website, run the install and then manually update the drivers and I now have two JMicron JMB36X Controllers and after a much quicker reboot later all is right with the world.


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