Exchange 2010 Sp2 Rollup 3 problem

After updating our servers with Rollup 3 we started getting some odd errors, like users couldn't add mailboxes or set up new profiles. this seemed to clear itself but we are still seeing a number of errors in the event logs, specifically the following event

Log Name:      Application
Source:        MSExchange Autodiscover
Date:          27/06/2012 21:57:16
Event ID:      1
Task Category: Web
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Unhandled Exception "User setting 'PreferredSite' is not available. "

We ended up talking to Microsoft and it appears to be a bug which is linked to our AD configuration but they have yet to get to bottom of exactly what.

Will post more when I ave something to post.


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